Awakening the Heart

It happened sometimes to open a book and to stumble over a sentence that seemed it had been written for me. Or to find the answer in the lyrics of a song. Sometimes, angels appeared to whisper in my ear.

One day I realized how exhausted I was emotionally and physically from concentrating on things I wanted to buy or the places I wanted to visit, but I couldn’t afford. I felt trapped in a vicious circle and the more I focused on what I couldn’t have, the more depressed I became. The more depressed I became, the more I concentrated on the lack. I had to quiet my heart and listen. At that moment, I acknowledged the deep longing in my heart. I was hungry not for the things in the stores, or the places around the world I couldn’t visit, but for inner peace, something the world wouldn’t take back.

I opened my eyes, and I saw how wealthy I was: I had an abundance of friends, and I swam in a pool filled with my family’s love. I saw I had much to be grateful for, and I felt humbled for taking for granted the abundance that existed in my life. I made an inventory of my life’s possessions: my restored health, a wonderful husband, a happy son, their health, our small but comfortable home, my precious cat that is a great joy. Plenty of food on the table and the red wine in the fridge.

I was blessed with so many wonderful friends who care deeply about us. And the list grew longer. When I looked at my life’s register, I realized I was a wealthy woman. At that moment, I realized that my net worth wasn’t determined by the size of the bank account or the multitude of places I visited. Each day from that moment offered me authentic moments of pleasure and contentment because I noticed and appreciated the gifts each day brought.

The power of gratefulness took over my heart and transformed what I had into enough, and even more. Gratefulness brought peace for today and created a vision for tomorrow.