Sometimes, you have to choose yourself

There was a time when you longed for people to love and accept you. You hoped they would see the truth and messages within you. But they turned a blind eye, their words and actions pushing you further away until you were left alone with your shattered hopes and broken heart. Yet still, you clung to the belief that things would change, making excuses for their behavior until one day you couldn’t take it anymore.

The pain inflicted upon you, the manipulative tactics used against you, and the harsh revelations you could no longer ignore consumed you completely. And at that moment, you decided to remove yourself from that group, friendship, or relationship and chose your well-being and self-love above all else.

It may not have been an easy choice, met with understanding or support from others. But deep down, you know it was the right one: cutting ties with a destructive path that could only lead to your downfall. As difficult as it may be, trust and believe in yourself as you bravely walk away from what once seemed like an unbreakable bond because sometimes choosing peace and self-preservation is the most courageous act of all.



Enchanting Woman

Beware the woman who reads, for she is not just a mere mortal. She feels with a depth that can drown you, writes with a passion that can consume you. Do not be enchanted by her cultured facade, for beneath it lies madness and chaos.

Do not dare to love a woman who knows her own mind, who navigates life fearlessly and spreads her wings to fly. Beware of falling for one whose body transforms into an ethereal spirit. A woman who loves poetry is the most dangerous kind, and one who loses herself in art without ever losing sight of reality.

Do not dream of loving a woman who is witty, intelligent, and unafraid to challenge authority. For once you fall under her spell, there is no going back. Whether she stays or leaves, whether she loves you or not, she will leave a mark on your heart and soul. You will never be the same again. From her, you will never recover…

Echoes Across Time Review

Echoes Across Time

I am introducing my latest novel, Echoes Across Time, a heartwarming holiday tale that weaves the magic of Christmas into a story of resilience, love, and the enduring bonds that connect us across generations. You will meet Sophie, a woman navigating through a tumultuous period of her life, marked by job loss, a breakup, and the unexpected passing of her beloved grandmother, Dolores. Christmas, a time they had planned to spend together, now feels lonely and devastating for Sophie.

Alone on Christmas Eve, Sophie finds solace in an unlikely place–a cab driven by Armando. In a heartfelt conversation, Armando becomes a source of comfort, reminding Sophie that she is not truly alone. He drops her off at the Red Couch Inn, where the compassionate owner and the promise of a Christmas morning brunch offer a glimmer of hope.

As Sophie settles in, the story takes an unexpected turn. A power outage plunges the inn into darkness, leading Sophie to an enchanting encounter with the night sky. However, a slip on the icy ground leaves her disoriented, and as she searches for the inn, a mysterious transformation occurs, altering her reality.

What follows is a journey where nothing is as it seems, blurring the lines between past and present. Echoes Across Time not only explores Sophie’s experience but delves into the grief that Dolores endured, having lost her brother Carl on Christmas Day.

This novel transforms sorrow into a magical Christmas miracle. It is an invitation to embrace the enchantment of the season and discover the enduring connections that transcend time.

I encourage you to visit my Amazon page to make this novel a part of your holiday reading collection. May Echoes Across Time bring warmth and joy to your homes this Christmas season.



Carmen Oprea

Reflections on Life: Embracing the Uncharted Paths

Countless times, we have found ourselves pondering the alternate paths our lives might have taken if we had chosen one decision over another. Many moons in the past, someone asked me the intriguing question of why I enjoy writing. It made me pause, for no one had ever inquired about this aspect of my life before. After a brief moment of contemplation, I burst into laughter. Why do we eat? Why does the rain descend from the sky? Where does the river ultimately merge with the sea? Is there more life beyond our Earthly confines?

Attempting to answer such a question is akin to unraveling the mysteries of the universe. When I face a blank page, it’s as if I’m confronted with the dawn of a new day. Each morning, I begin outlining grand plans for the day, only to reach the realization that sometimes, it is wisest to let the minutes and hours guide me. While social expectations dictate the necessity of achieving something tangible by day’s end, I’ve come to embrace the notion that there are days when simply putting one foot in front of the other, breathing a bit more freely, and wearing a brighter smile is accomplishment enough. Not every day needs to be a whirlwind of activity.

I’ve learned that the most joyous moments often unfold during the unhurried, quiet breaks.



Living in the Present Moment

The past is a memory, and the future is uncertain. The only moment we truly have is the present one. Letting go of excessive worry about the future or dwelling on the past enables us to live in the moment. Being fully present allows us to savor life’s small joys, appreciate the beauty of our surroundings, and connect more deeply with the people around us. It’s a reminder that life’s true beauty lies in the now.

In the art of letting go, we find liberation, clarity, and an enhanced sense of well-being. It’s a journey to self-discovery, personal growth, and living a more authentic and joyful life. So, embrace the beauty of letting things go, and allow your life to flourish with newfound lightness and freedom.



Finding Peace Among Beautiful Things

In the hustle and bustle of our everyday lives, it’s easy to get swept up in chaos, losing touch with the simple yet profoundly beautiful things that can bring us peace. Imagine, for a moment, that there’s a door that separates the frenetic world outside from a serene inner sanctum. This door is the gateway to a realm filled with timeless wonders: books, walks in nature, music, and heartfelt conversations with friends.

Perhaps one of the most beautiful things in life is the company of friends. Conversations with friends, whether over a cup of tea or across miles through a phone call, are invaluable. They are the keepers of our hearts, the ones who truly understand us and make us feel less alone in this vast world. We share our dreams, fears, and stories with them, opening a door to a world of companionship and support.

Music is a language that transcends boundaries and connects us emotionally. The right song can mend a broken heart, energize a weary spirit, or bring tears of joy to our eyes. It’s the symphony of life, composed of melodies that touch our souls and soothe our worries. The door to this world swings open with every note.

The great outdoors offers a sanctuary for our souls. A walk in nature can be a meditative experience, a time to leave the worries of the world behind. With every step, we are embraced by the soothing rustle of leaves, the sweet melodies of birds, and the whispers of the wind. Nature’s beauty reminds us of the simple wonders surrounding us, from the vibrant colors of a blooming flower to the calming embrace of a quiet forest.

Books have an unparalleled ability to transport us to different times, places, and perspectives. When we open a book, we unlock a door to adventures, knowledge, and emotions. We can wander the mystical streets of a faraway city, explore the vastness of the cosmos, or dive deep into the human psyche. Whether it’s fiction, non-fiction, or poetry, books are a passport to an infinite number of worlds.

When life becomes overwhelming, remember the door that separates two worlds. Step inside and find solace in books, the wonders of nature, music melodies, and friends’ warmth. These beautiful things offer us a respite from the chaos and an opportunity to rediscover the serenity that resides within us. Open that door and let these treasures fill your heart with peace.

Love, Carmen

The Ripple of Joy

Have you ever noticed the incredible joy that wells up within you when you extend a hand to help someone in need? There’s something magical about the act of selflessly assisting others. It’s a simple yet profound gesture that not only transforms the lives of those you help but also fills your heart with a profound sense of satisfaction and fulfillment.

One of the most beautiful aspects of helping others is the ripple effect it generates. Your act of kindness can spark a chain reaction of good deeds. When someone experiences your generosity, they are more likely to pay it forward, helping others in return. This chain of goodwill, often referred to as “the ripple effect,” has the potential to spread positivity and compassion throughout your community and beyond.

Helping others can also be a journey of self-discovery. When you help someone, you might uncover new strengths, skills, and passions that you didn’t know you possessed. It’s an opportunity to challenge yourself and step out of your comfort zone, often resulting in personal growth and a heightened sense of self-worth.

You don’t need to embark on grand missions to make a difference. Simple, everyday acts of kindness can have a profound impact. Start in your local community by volunteering at a food bank, tutoring a student, or simply being there for someone who needs a friend. Small, consistent efforts create meaningful change.

Helping others is more than a selfless act; it’s a wellspring of joy and personal growth. It connects us, ignites our sense of purpose, and reminds us of the beauty of humanity. So, the next time you have the chance to extend a helping hand, embrace it with an open heart and know that you are not just helping others—you are enriching your life with immeasurable joy.

